A textual comparison between CESNUR's statements
and the content of the "APA Memorandum" of 11 May, 1987.
CESNUR's statements
"The American Psychological Association
(APA) in 1984 allowed Margaret Singer, the main proponent of anti-cult
mind control theories, to create a working group called Task Force on
Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion and Control (DIMPAC).
In 1987 the final report of the DIMPAC Committee was submitted to
the Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility for Psychology of
the APA. On May 11, 1987 the Board rejected the report and concluded
that the mind control theories, used in order to distinguish "cults" from
religions, are not part of accepted psychological science. The results
of this document were devastating for mind control theories"
[Religious Liberty in
Western Europe. CESNUR's 1997 report from the press conference held
on December 1, 1997 in Washington DC.] |
"In Italy, already in 1981 the Constitutional
Court established that 'plagio' [undue psychological influence] does not
exist, removing the relevant crime from our penal code. Today therefore,
the crime of 'plagio' does not exist any more in Italy, nor can its reintroduction
even be imagined. A similar conclusion concerning first and second generation
'brainwashing' theories (the latter do away with the controversial label
of 'brainwashing' while keeping its substance under such names as 'mental
manipulation' or 'mental destabilization') was reached in 1987 by the authoritative
American Psychological Association, which called such theories 'non-scientific'"
Zoccatelli, CESNUR's researcher - from a scientific study published on
Messaggero di S. Antonio (February, 1997)] |
APA's side
May 11, 1987
TO: Members of the Task Force
on Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion
and Control (DIMPAC)
FROM: Board of Social and
Ethical Responsibility for Psychology (BSERP)
SUBJECT: Final Report of the
Task Force
BSERP thanks the Task
Force on Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion and
Control for its service but is unable to accept the report of the Task
Force. In general, the report lacks the scientific rigor and evenhanded
critical approach necessary for APA imprimatur.
The report was carefully
reviewed by two external experts and two members of the
Board. They independently agreed on the significant deficiencies in the
report. The reviews are enclosed for your information.
The Board cautions
the Task Force members against using their past appointment
to imply BSERP or APA support or approval of the positions advocated in
the report. BSERP requests that Task Force members not distribute
or publicize the report without indicating that the report was unacceptable
to the Board.
Finally, after much
consideration, BSERP does not believe that we have sufficient
information available to guide us in taking a position on this
The Board appreciates
the difficulty in producing a report in this complex and
controversial area, and again thanks the members of the Task Force for
their efforts.
4200 Seventeenth St.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 955-7600
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